Sister-friend Laurel shared a blog post by Jonathan Liu being passed around Facebook. He writes about the “5 Best Toys of All Time.”
Like many a Sunday sermon, once I get the gist my mind wanders. I got the gist of “5 Best” after Best Toy #1 (spoiler alert: stick).
My mind moved from best toys to favorite toys. I pictured wood blocks and plastic ponies. With her blocks daughter Annie created castles to house the ponies she attired with tissues and pony-tail hairbands.
I then moved from favorite toys to favorite Christmas gifts.
My favorite Christmas gift of all time is this blue candle bowl. You can read why in “Susie says ‘Fear Not!’ a Reflection on Christmas Gift Giving,” my article in the December 2008 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now known as Gather).
Full disclosure: Economic downturns, household downsizing and transition upheaval in the years since I wrote the article have turned my approach to Christmas gift-giving inside out. I just don’t Christmas shop anymore, at least not in the traditional go-to-the-store sense or in the buy-online sense.
For the past three Christmas seasons, I’ve given from the back of the closet and the bottom of the drawer. Last year I even sidestepped gift wrapping. I put “From my Household to Yours” items in previously acquired tote bags…or lunch bags…or those cute “free gift with purchase” cosmetics bags.
I might, however, be in the market for a good stick.
Sue Edison-Swift