Doot-Doot Cake

Grandma and grandson in front of mixer, making cake.

Eight years later, making Doot-Doot Cake

2021 Update

Yesterday, Walter and I had fun making Doot-Doot Cake. You’ll see the original Penzeys recipe on the counter. “It’s been a long time, Umma,” said Walter. “It’s the first Doot-Doot since COVID.” Meep. Walter named a small and delicious marker of our pandemic new normal–one I would have missed. Stay cautious, friends. Together we can get to the sweet time we can enjoy a post-pandemic new normal.

2013 Original Post
Tonight I made Chocolate Chip Zucchini cake,* torn from the (recipe here) Early Summer catalog. Walter helped me with the last step: adding a bag of chocolate chips to the top of the batter. I gave him a quick demonstration. “Doot. Doo. Doo,” I said, as I sprinkled a handful of chips. “Doot. Doo. Doo,” he said, as he added chips. The boy is a quick study.

Mmm. I make good cake.

Mmm. I make good cake.

The cake took 45 minutes to bake, and then there’s the cool time, so it was 10 minutes after dinner when I called Walter, Sean and Paul back to the table for a piece of cake ala mode. It was a hit, and Walter was delighted.

“Doot. Doo. Doo,” he said a couple of times between bites, reminding us that yes, he knows this is his cake. “Doot. Doo. Doo,” Daddy, Baba and I echo as a chorus, reminding Walter that yes, we know, this is his cake and it is good. I’m guessing “Doot Doo Doo”** cake is a recipe for a long-lasting family memory.

A chocolate sheet cake with chocolate chips.

Doot-Doot Cake

Umma, 4/27/13

**Over time, the name evolved to Doot-Doot Cake.

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  1. Pingback: Remembered Recipe | Sue Edison-Swift

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